Exam Consult ® is an examination software that is web-based and allows students to login to take exams individually. Exam Consult allows you customize the online exam software platform and add questions to the question bank, and get detailed cumulative reports on candidates’ performance over a period of time. With new candidate management systems and a more secure web-based interface, Exam Consult provides a useful online exam software tool

See how it works

Step 1
Let's Go on a Tour See how easy you can make a quiz or manage exams for yourself.
Step 2
Take a Demo Quiz See things from the student's point of view by taking this test created by our quiz maker.
Step 3
Browse Price Plans We have prices that suit any type of organization

Our examination software makes conducting online tests easier than ever

Monitor Quizzes

You can monitor quizzes you make through the quiz maker as they occur in real-time. See which students are taking an assignment and which students have completed it. Keep up to date with candidate information including information like location, IP address, operating system and browser.

Test Creator Software

The online exam software gives students the freedom to learn at their own pace, letting them create and take practice examinations in tutor mode. Added features such as flagging a question or marking it as incorrect increase the online exam software's self-teaching abilities.

Email and SMS

Our online exam software includes integrated SMS and email services. This allows you to keep your students in the loop regarding last minute changes or additions to your exams. The administrator account is used to access these features and set them up, giving you access to them in a matter of minutes.

Challenging Question Types

Keep your students alert by using question types that challenge their thinking. The online exam software includes question types such as drag-and-match, scenario-based, essay, audio, video, fill-in-the-blank and a lot more.

Compatible with Mobiles and Tablets

Do evaluations and reports from your tablet or mobile phone in a matter of minutes. The web-based client of the online exam software is fully function for both administrative purposes as well as students on tablets or mobile phones. This makes it easy to use the quiz creator from almost anywhere.

More Awesome Features

Use Your Own Logo We use white-labeling with the online testing software to give you the freedom to include your own logo on tests and evaluations. That way your organization's logo can be prominently displayed on tests.
Student Self-Registration It's easy for students to sign up from your site through integrated email verification. This stops duplicate accounts and multiple logins being created.
Comprehensive Reports The detailed reports the online exam software provides gives you insight into individual grade performances, completion times, and even overall trends for your students. You can use this to adjust the difficulty of the questions you pose to your students.
Cloud Storage The cloud gives you access to your information no matter where you are. From the cloud, you can view or edit your exams with the quiz software as you see fit.
Instructor Accounts Different roles such as data entry managers, administrators or content creators can be assigned different types of accounts with access levels modified to suit their position.
Challenging Question Types Use multiple question types from the test maker to keep your students on their toes, including fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice and drag-and-match.
Email Templates Customizable email templates save you time by giving you access to automatic messaging for welcomes, notifications and other important updates. These templates can be used for any number of situations that may arise.
High Security The data security module that is built into our online exam software allows you to control instances of cheating because it monitors possible infractions such as print screening or copy-paste. The system also prevents multiple logins.
Certificate Generator Develop a custom certificate with a signature of your choosing and multiple additional design elements. Create a certificate from pre-existing professional templates.